The discourse summaries - from the Vipassana course
- Free the mind of the tensions and prejudices that disturb the flow of daily life.
- One must take steps to reach the goal.
- Find answers to questions within themselves.
- Goal: purification of mind, eradicating all the mental defilements, the negativities within...
Notes from day one
Every time an impurity arises in the mind, such as anger, hatred, passion, fear, one becomes miserable.
Whenever something unwanted happens, one becomes tense. Whenever something wanted does not happen, one generates tension within.
One does not keep this tension limited to oneself, but instead distributes it to all whom one comes into contact. This is not the right way to live.
Notes from day two
- The mind is so restless, agitated, wild.
- It's enormous strength will start to serve you.
- Continuity of practice is the secret of success.
- No one else can do it for you.
- You have to walk the entire path with yourself.
- Any action that harms others, that disturbs their peace and harmony, is a sinful, unwholesome action.
- Whenever one generates a mental defilement, then one becomes miserable.
- When you help others, simultaneously you help yourself. This is dhamma.
- When you harm others, simultaneously, you harm yourself.
- Samadhi is part of sila, samadhi & panna.
- Samadhi is the wholesome action of developing mastery over one's mind.
- Panna is the development of wisdom, of insight, totally purifies the mind.
- Impurity of speech: speaking harsh words that hurt others. Choose samma-vaca: right speech, purity of vocal action.
- Samma kamanta: Right action, purity of physical action.
- Impurity of action: be it physical, vocal or mental - the stronger the ego, the further one is from liberation.
- Samma vayama: Right effort, right exercise. How weak and infirm the mind is, always wavering. Mind requires exercise to strengthen it. Anapana starts the exercise.
- Samma sati: Right awareness, awareness of the reality of the present moment. Just observe. Just remain aware. Be aware of the reality of the sensation without reacting to it. One must be aware of the present reality within oneself, without any craving or aversion.
Conclusions -
1. Do not dwell in the past.
2. Do not expect anything from the future.
3. The reality is in the present.
4. The mind is very vast and powerful.
5. Let there be no craving or aversion.
6. The powerful mind can serve you.
7. The mind is always wavering.
8. The mind requires exercise to strengthen it.
9. Just remain aware without reaction.
10. Action that harms others is a sin.
11. Wrongful speech, when harmful, is a sin.
12. Wrongful action, when impure, is a sin.
13. Anger in the mind, makes you miserable.
14. We generate our tension within us.
15. We in turn, distribute our tension.
16. Impurity of speech - is about speaking harsh words that hurt others.
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